
Street sweeper
Street sweeper
Street sweeper, also known as street sweeper, garbage truck, garbage truck, garbage truck, or street vacuum truck. Street sweeper is a specialized vehicle used to clean surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, lawns, and parks by sweeping away trash. It is equipped with a broom-like street sweeper, capable of cleaning and vacuuming up trash to ensure a clean living and working environment...
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Garbage truck
Garbage truck
Garbage trucks are specialized motor vehicles used in the environmental industry. Their main function is to collect garbage in residential, commercial, and industrial areas and transport it to solid waste treatment sites, such as landfills, recycling centers, or transfer stations.
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Mobile compactor
Mobile compactor
The mobile sealed garbage compactor container is a garbage treatment device with high pressure, high load capacity, low energy consumption, especially always sealed, no odor, no water leakage, creating urban beauty. The mobile sealed self-compacting garbage container has many volume options from 6m3 to 20m3, the compressed garbage load can be up to 750kg/m3, can receive all kinds of garbage bags, garbage from public trash bins from 120L, 240L up to 1100L...
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Underground waste storage system
Underground waste storage system
An underground waste storage system is a semi-underground / fully underground waste storage system with a large capacity underground. This is an advanced waste collection solution, both neat and clean, while reducing the area for waste storage on the ground and has been widely applied in the world today...
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24 hour organic waste treatment machine
24 hour organic waste treatment machine
When organic waste is sent to landfill, it decomposes and releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. One way to ensure your food scraps don’t rot like this is to compost them, reducing the amount of organic waste sent to landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions...
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Community compost bin
Community compost bin
Community composting is the process of converting all your kitchen waste into rich organic fertilizer in the form of organic humus and “liquid fertilizer”. Therefore, we do not need to dispose of our waste as garbage and prevent environmental pollution, reducing landfill in the living area...
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